Professor CHAN Wai Sum

Professor CHAN Wai Sum
PhD (Temple University)
MSc (Temple University)
MPhil (CUHK)
FSA (Society of Actuaries)
CERA (Society of Actuaries)
HonFIA (Institute and Faculty of Actuaries)
Chartered Statistician (Royal Statistical Society)
Tel: (852) 3963 5010
Office : D612
Dean, School of Decision Sciences
Professor Chan’s undergraduate work was taken at The Chinese University of Hong Kong where he graduated in 1984 with a major in accounting and a minor in statistics. He pursued a doctorate in applied statistics at the Fox School of Business, Temple University (Philadelphia, US), receiving the PhD in 1989. He qualified as a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries in 1995. Professor Chan has held teaching and research posts at National University of Singapore, University of Waterloo, The University of Hong Kong, and The Chinese University of Hong Kong before joining HSUHK. Professor Chan’s research interests include health care financing, actuarial modelling, and financial econometrics. He has had over 120 scientific articles published in scholarly journals.
Research interests
- Application of statistics and actuarial science in the Society
Selected Research Grants and Awards
- Contributing to the Development of Hong Kong into a Global Fintech Hub, RGC Theme-based Research Scheme, (HK$18,593,000), Co-Investigator, 2018.
- On Temporal Aggregation of Some Non-Linear Time-Series Models, RGC-GRF (HK$513,216), Principal Investigator, 2017.
- Investment Pattern and Performance of Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme Members: A Historical Administrative Record Analysis (HK$336,390), Co-Investigator, Public Policy Research (PPR) Grant, 2016.
Selected Publications (2019-2024)
……….Journal Articles……….
- He, A.J., Qian, J., Chan, W.S. and Chou, K.L. “Willingness to Purchase Hypothetical Private Long-term Care Insurance Plans in a Super-ageing Society: Evidence from Hong Kong,” Journal of Aging & Social Policy, 2023, 36(5), 780-805.
- Chan, F.W.H. and Chan, W.S. “On Revising the Amount of Statutory Bereavement Awards in Singapore,” Singapore Journal of Legal Studies, 2023, 481-489.
- Li, J.S.H., Liu, Y. and Chan, W.S. “Hedging Longevity Risk under Non-Gaussian State-Space Stochastic Mortality Models: A Mean-Variance-Skewness-Kurtosis Approach,” Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 2023, 113, 96-121.
- Zhu, A.Y.F., Ku, I., Chan, W.S. and Chou, K.L. “Social Pension Reform and Poverty Among Older People in Hong Kong: Triple Difference Estimations,” Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 2023, 50, Article 102026.
- Teles, P. and Chan, W.S. “The Use of Aggregate Time Series for Testing Conditional Heteroscedasticity,” Statistics, 2022, 56(6), 1242-1269.
- D. Wang, and W.S. Chan (2022), “Backcasting Mortality in England and Wales, 1600-1840,” North American Actuarial Journal, 26(1), 102-122.
- W.S. Chan (2022), “On Temporal Aggregation of Some Nonlinear Time-Series Models,” Econometrics and Statistics, 21, 38-49.
- A.J. He, J. Qian, W.S. Chan and K.L. Chou (2021), “Preferences for Private Long-term Care Insurance Products in a Super-Ageing Society: A Discrete Choice Experiment in Hong Kong,” Social Science and Medicine, 270, 113632.
- Y.Z. Tian, M.L. Tang, W.S. Chan, and M.Z. Tian (2021), “Bayesian Bridge-Randomized Penalized Quantile Regression for Ordinal Longitudinal Data, with Application to Firm’s Bond Ratings,” Computational Statistics, 36, 1289-1319.
- F.W.H. Chan, W.S. Chan, and J.S.H. Li (2020), “How Much Is A Leg Worth in Hong Kong? Proposal for Reforming,” Hong Kong Law Journal, 50(3), 983-1004.
- J.S.H. Li, Z.Q. Zhou, X. Zhu, W.S. Chan, and F.W.H. Chan (2019), “A Bayesian Approach to Developing a Stochastic Mortality Model for China,” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, 182(4), 1523-1560.
- K.C.K. Cheung, W.S. Chan, and K.L. Chou (2019), “Material Deprivation and Working Poor in Hong Kong,” Social Indicators Research, 145(1), 36-66.
- Financial Mathematics for Actuaries [with Y.K. Tse], Third Edition, World Scientific Publishing Company, 2021.
- Personal Injury Tables Singapore 2021 – Tables for the Calculation of Damages [with Chan FHW and Li JSH], Sweet & Maxwell Asia, 2021.
- Personal Injury Tables Hong Kong 2019 – Tables for the Calculation of Damages (Fourth Edition) [with Chan FHW and Li JSH], Sweet & Maxwell Asia, 2019.