Dr TSUI Wing Yan


Dr TSUI Wing Yan
DipEd (HKBU)
Email: wytsui@hsu.edu.hk
Tel: (852) 3963 5246
Office : D602
Dr Tsui received her BSc in Mathematical Science (Graduated with First Class Honours), Diploma in Education (Mathematics) and PhD in Mathematics at the Hong Kong Baptist University.
Research Interests
- Inverse Scattering Theory
- Machine Learning
- Wave Imaging
- Partial Differential Equations
- Invisibility
- Dr Wu Yee Sun Memorial Scholarship Fund, 2020.
- Scholastic Award for Bachelor of Science in Mathematical Science, 2017.
……….Journal Articles……….
- H. Liu, W.Y. Tsui, A. Wahab and X. Wang, Three-dimensional Elastic Scattering Coefficients and Enhancement of the Elastic Near Cloak, Journal of Elasticity, 143 (2021), 111-146
- Y. Deng, H. Liu and W.Y. Tsui, Identifying varying magnetic anomalies using geomagnetic monitoring, Discrete Continuous Dynamic System, 40 (2020), 6411-6440
- X. Fang, Y. Deng, J. Li, W.Y. Tsui and Z. Zhang, On simultaneous source/obstacle and medium recovery by boundary measurements, Electronic Research Archive, 28 (2020), 1239-1255
- J. Li, H. Liu, W.Y. Tsui and X. Wang, An inverse scattering approach for geometric body generation: a machine learning perspective, Mathematics in Engineering, 1 (2019), 800-823