
8 月, 2024
Social Pension Reform and Poverty Among Older People in Hong Kong: Triple Difference Estimations (Prof CHAN Wai Sum) |
A Bayesian Approach to Developing a Stochastic Mortality Model for China (Prof CHAN Wai Sum) |
Principal Contrast Analysis of High-dimensional Time Series (Dr Timothy NG) |
Fuzzy k-means Thresholding Model and its Application in Image Segmentation (Dr Alan CHU) |
Assessing the Impact of Enterprise Risk Management on Insurers’ Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic (Dr Derrick FUNG) |
Risk-Sensitive Control in Portfolio Choice: Incorporating Ambiguity Aversion and Stochastic Factors (Dr Tom NG and Dr SIU Chi Chung) |
Inference for Multiple Change-points in Piecewise Locally Stationary Time Series (Dr Tom NG) |
AI Assistants in Statistics Education: Empowering Students with AI-driven Analysis and Visualization (Dr Jacky LEUNG and Dr Elaine MO) |
The Anxiety in Learning Actuarial Science: Mysterious but Decipherable – a Comparable Case Study between US and Hong Kong (Ms Michelle WU) |
Teaching and Learning Methodologies on Higher Education (Dr TSUI Wing Yan) |
Sparse Optimization Methods for Financial Analysis (Dr Carisa YU) |
Regularization Methods for Sparse Optimization with Applications (Prof CHOY Siu Kai and Dr Carisa YU) |