Professor CHOY Siu Kai


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Professor CHOY Siu Kai


icosTel: (852) 3963 5113
icosOffice : D613

Associate Dean, Graduate School
Head and Professor

Professor Choy received his BSc in Mathematical Science, MSc in Scientific Computing, and PhD in Mathematics, all from the Department of Mathematics at the Hong Kong Baptist University. Before joining HSUHK, he was a Research Fellow at the Methodist Hospital Research Institute in USA, and a Research Assistant and Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Hong Kong Baptist University.

Research Interests

  1. Image processing
  2. Data mining
  3. Machine learning


  1. Research Excellence Award (awarded by School of Decision Sciences), HSUHK, 2015 – 2023
  2. Teaching Excellence Award (awarded by School of Decision Sciences), HSUHK, 2014 – 2023
  3. Research Grant Studentship, HKBU, 2005-2008
  4. Madam Hui Tang Shing Yan Fellowship, HKBU, 2008
  5. Li Po Chun Charitable Trust Fund Postgraduate Scholarship, HKBU, 2007
  6. Professor Huang Hong Ci Prize, HKBU, 2005
  7. Scholastic Award for Master of Science in Scientific Computing, HKBU, 2005

Service and Professional Experience

  1. On-going: Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, Mathematical Problems in Engineering.
  2. Organizer, Symposia in Data Science, Hang Seng Management College, 2016.
  3. Organizer, Workshop Series in Applied Statistics, Hang Seng Management College, 2015.
  4. Conference Co-chair, RGC Postgraduate Students Conference on Computer Imaging and Vision, Hong Kong Baptist University, Jun 12–14, 2007.


……….Journal Articles……….

  1. S. Y. Lam, S. K. Choy and K. W. Yu, Linear Discriminant Analysis with Trimmed and Difference Distribution ModelingKnowledge-based Systems, vol. 299, 112093, 2024.
  2. R. Jiang, S. K. Choy and K. Yu, Non-crossing Quantile Double-autoregression for the Analysis of Streaming Time Series DataJournal of Time Series Analysis, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 513-532, 2023.
  3. T. C. Ng, S. K. Choy, S. Y. Lam and K. W. Yu, Fuzzy Superpixel-based Image SegmentationPattern Recognition, vol. 134, 109045, 2023.
  4. T. S. Ho, S. K. Choy, P. H. Tong and V. Tang, A Forecasting Analytics Model for Assessing Forecast Error in E-fulfilment PerformanceIndustrial Management & Data Systems, vol. 122, pp. 2583-2608, 2022.
  5. T. C. Ng and S. K. ChoyVariational Fuzzy Superpixel SegmentationIEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 14-26, 2022.
  6. S. K. Choy, T. C. Ng, K. W. Yu and S. Y. Lam, Fuzzy Bit-plane-dependence Region CompetitionMathematics, vol. 9, no. 19, 2392, 2021.
  7. S. K. Choy, K. W. Yu, C. L. Lee, S. Y. Lam and Y. W. Wong, A Two-stage Variational Jump Point Detection Algorithm for Real Estate AnalysisLand Use Policy, vol. 111, 105687, 2021.
  8. S. K. Choy, T. C. Ng and K. W. Yu, Unsupervised Fuzzy Model-based Image SegmentationSignal Processing, vol. 171, 107483, 2020.
  9. K. W. Yu, T. L. Yip and S. K. ChoyOptimal Portfolio Choice for Ship Leasing InvestmentsMaritime Policy and Management, vol. 46, pp. 884-900, 2019.
  10. S. Y. Lam and S. K. ChoyA Trimmed Clustering-Based l 1 – Principal Component Analysis Model for Image Classification and Clustering Problems with OutliersApplied Sciences, vol. 9, no. 8, 1562, 2019.
  11. S. K. Choy, F. L. Yuen and K. W. Yu, Fuzzy Bit-plane-dependence Image SegmentationSignal Processing, vol. 154, pp. 30-44, 2019.
  12. K. W. Yu, Y. Hu, X. Yang and S. K. ChoyAbstract Convergence Theorem for Quasi-convex Optimization Problems with ApplicationsOptimization, vol. 68, no. 7, pp. 1289-1304, 2018.
  13. S. K. Choy, S. Y. Lam, K. W. Yu, W. Y. Lee and K. T. Leung, Fuzzy Model-based Clustering and Its Application in Image SegmentationPattern Recognition, vol. 68, pp. 141-157, 2017.
  14. S. Y. Lam, K. W. Yu, S. K. Choy and K. T. Leung, Jump Point Detection Using Empirical Mode DecompositionLand Use Policy, vol. 58, pp. 1-8, 2016.
  15. S. K. Choy, N. Jia, C. S. Tong, M. L. Tang and E. Y. M. Lam, A Robust Computational Algorithm for Inverse Photomask Synthesis in Optical Projection LithographySIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 625-651, 2012.
  16. S. K. Choy, M. L. Tang and C. S. Tong, Image Segmentation Using Fuzzy Region Competition and Spatial/Frequency InformationIEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 1473-1484, 2011.
  17. L. Li, C. S. Tong and S. K. ChoyTexture Classification Using Refined HistogramIEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 1371-1378, 2010.
  18. S. K. Choy and C. S. Tong, Statistical Wavelet Subband Characterization Based on Generalized Gamma Density and Its Application in Texture RetrievalIEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 281-289, 2010.
  19. S. K. Choy, C. S. Tong and Z. Z. Zhao, A Novel and Effective Multistage Classification System for Microscopic Starch Grain ImagesMicroscopy Research and Technique, vol. 73, no. 1, pp. 77-84, 2010.
  20. C. S. Tong, S. K. Choy, S. N. Chiu, Z. Z. Zhao and Z. T. Liang, Characterization of Shapes for Use in Classification of Starch Grains ImagesMicroscopy Research and Technique, vol. 71, no. 9, pp. 651-658, 2008.
  21. S. K. Choy and C. S. Tong, Statistical Properties of Bit-plane Probability Model and Its Application in Supervised Texture ClassificationIEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 17, no. 8, pp. 1399-1405, 2008.
  22. S. K. Choy and C. S. Tong, Supervised Texture Classification Using Characteristic Generalized Gaussian DensityJournal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 35-47, 2007.
  23. C. S. Tong, S. K. Choy, Z. Z. Zhao, Z. T. Liang and H. Chen, Identification of Starch Grains in Microscopic Images Based on Granulometric OperationsMicroscopy Research and Technique, vol. 70, no. 8, pp. 724-732, 2007.
  24. M. Pi, C. S. Tong, S. K. Choy and H. Zhang, A Fast and Effective Model for Wavelet Subband Histograms and Its Application in Texture Image RetrievalIEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 15, no. 10, pp. 3078-3088, 2006.


……….Conference Proceedings & Book Chapters……….

  1. K. W. Yu and S. K. Choy, Regularization Methods for Sparse Optimization with Applications, European Conference on Operational Research, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2024.
  2. S. K. Choy, Unsupervised Statistical Learning for Image Segmentation, Universal Academic Cluster International Spring Conference in Kansai, Kyoto & Osaka, Japan, 2024.
  3. S. K. Choy and Y. L. Mo, Unsupervised Fuzzy Statistical Learning and Its Applications in Image Segmentation, The 6th International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics, Tokyo, Japan, 2023.
  4. S. K. ChoyFuzzy Generalized Gaussian Density Image Segmentation with Spatial Information, Annual Conference on Engineering and Applied Science, Kyoto, Japan, 2019.
  5. S. K. ChoyFuzzy Model-based Unsupervised Image Segmentation, Universal Academic Cluster International Spring Conference in Sapporo & Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan, 2019.
  6. S. K. Choy and T. F. Zel, Real Estate Market Analysis with Time-frequency Decomposition, The 18th Conference of the Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis International Society and Demographics 2019 Workshop, Florence, Italy, 2019.
  7. S. K. Choy, W. Y. Lee, K. W. Yu and F. L. Yuen, Analysis of Property Markets by Time-frequency Decomposition Approach, International Journal of Arts and Sciences (IJAS) International Conference, Florence, Italy, 2018.
  8. K. W. Yu, F. L. Yuen, S. K. Choy and W. Y. Lee, Time-frequency Analytical Tool for Stock Market Analysis, International Journal of Arts and Sciences (IJAS) International Conference, Florence, Italy, 2018.
  9. K. W. Yu, F. L. Yuen, S. K. Choy, T. F. Zel and Y. Wu, Dynamic Stock Market Analysis: Algorithm and Applications, 21st International Congress on Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Vienna, July 3-5, 2017.
  10. S. K. Choy, W. Y. Lee, Y. Wu and T. F. Zel, Property Market Analysis Using Time-frequency Decomposition, 21st International Congress on Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Vienna, July 3-5, 2017.
  11. W. Zhu, W. Y. Lee, S. K. Choy, S. Y. Lam and K. W. Yu, Systemic Weather Risk and Agricultural Insurance Pricing, 21st International Congress on Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Vienna, July 3-5, 2017.
  12. S. Y. Lam and S. K. ChoyK-medians Clustering Based-PCA Model, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), South Brisbane, pp. 1359-1363, 2015.
  13. S. K. Choy, K. Chen, Y. Zhang, M. Baron, M. A. Teylan, Y. Kim, C. S. Tong, Z. Song, and S. T. Wong, Multi Scale and Slice-based Approach for Automatic Spine Detection, Proc IEEE Eng. Med. Biol. Soc., Buenos Aires, Argentina, pp. 4765-4768, 2010.
  14. S. K. Choy and C. S. Tong, A Correlated Bit-plane Model for Wavelet Subband Histograms and Its Application to Chinese Materia Medica Starch Grains Classification, The Third International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet-based Systems (IEEE SITIS 2007), Shanghai Jiaotong University, China, pp. 542-548, Dec 16-19, 2007.
  15. S. K. Choy and C. S. Tong, A Bit-plane-based Probability Model for Image Variations and Its Application to Supervised Starch Grains Classification, RGC Postgraduate Students Conference on Computer Imaging and Vision, Hong Kong Baptist University, pp. 34-37, Jun 12-14, 2007.
  16. S. K. Choy and C. S. Tong, Supervised Learning Using Characteristic Generalized Gaussian Density and Its Application to Chinese Materia Medica Identification, Wavelet Analysis and Applications, Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis, Springer(Birkhauser)-Verlag, pp. 443-452, 2006.
  17. S. K. Choy and C. S. Tong, A Multi Stage Fuzzy K-means Recognition for Chinese Materia Medica Classification, Asia-Pacific Workshop on Visual Information Processing, City University of Hong Kong, pp. 236-241, Dec 11-13, 2005.
  18. C. S. Tong and S. K. ChoyClassification of Chinese Herbal Medicine Using Microscopic Image Processing, Bernoulli Society East Asian and Pacific Regional Conference, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, pp. 74, Dec 18-20, 2003.


……….Technical Reports……….

  1. S. K. Choy and C. S. Tong, A Bit-plane-based Nonhomogeneous Markov Model for Image Variations: Theory and Applications, HKBU Mathematics Department Technical Report, MATH-439, 2008.
  2. C. S. Tong, S. K. Choy, and Z. Z. Zhao, Multi Stage Recognition for Chinese Materia Medica Identification, HKBU Mathematics Department Technical Report, MATH-426, 2006.
  3. C. S. Tong, S. K. Choy, S. N. Chiu, and Z. Z. Zhao, Application of Chord Length Distribution to the Classification of Chinese Materia Medica, HKBU Mathematics Department Technical Report, MATH-425, 2006.
  4. C. S. Tong, S. K. Choy, Z. Z. Zhao, and W. J. Zhang, Chinese Materia Medica Identification Using Granulometric Operations, HKBU Mathematics Department Technical Report, MATH-424, 2006.

Research Grants

  1. (UGC/FDS14/P04/23) HK$828,859. “Probabilistic Classification Error Modeling for Distance Metric Learning and Deep Metric Learning Theory and Applications”, funded by University Grants Committee (UGC) 2023/24. (Co-I)
  2. (UGC/FDS14/P05/23) HK1,358,200. “Nonconvex Structured Optimization: Theory and Applications”, funded by University Grants Committee (UGC), 2023/24. (Co-I)
  3. (Research Matching Grant Scheme) HK$1,845,833.6. “Mass Customizing Artificial Intelligence-Based Inspection Systems”, funded by University Grants Committee (UGC) 2023/24. (Co-I)
  4. (Research Matching Grant Scheme), HK$4,187,791.8. “Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Metaverse in Luxury-commence Retail for Enhancing Customers’ Online Experience”, funded by University Grants Committee (UGC) 2023/24. (Co-I)
  5. (Research Matching Grant Scheme), HK$1,900,000. “Intelligent Digitalization Platform for Enhancing Business Workflow Management in E-commerce Industry”, funded by University Grants Committee (UGC) 2023/24. (Co-I)
  6. (Faculty Development Grant SDSC-SRG020), HK$300,000. “Anisotropic Fuzzy Superpixel Segmentation”, funded by HSUHK School Research Grant 2023/24. (PI)
  7. (New Initiative Grant SDSC-SRG018), HK$670,000. Funded by HSUHK School Research Grant 2023/24. (PI)
  8. (Research Professorship Scheme SDSC-SRG014), HK$339,000. Funded by HSUHK School Research Grant 2022/23. (PI)
  9. (UGC/FDS14/P07/22) HK$1,324,850. “Joint Sparse Optimization: Nonconvex Penalty Theory and Applications,” funded by the University Grants Committee (UGC) 2022/2023. (Co-I)
  10. (Research Matching Grant Scheme) HK$1,545,719. “Design of an AI-based Intelligence Model for Enhancing Business Performance,” funded by University Grants Committee (UGC) 2021/22. (Co-I)
  11. (UGC/FDS14/P02/21) HK$915,270. “Partially Separable and Sparse Optimization: Theory and Applications,” funded by the University Grants Committee (UGC) 2021/2022. (Co-I)
  12. (UGC/FDS14/P03/20) HK$966,100. “Low-rank Matrix Optimization via Nonconvex Regularization with Applications,” funded by the University Grants Committee (UGC) 2020/2021. (Co-I)
  13. (Research Matching Grant Scheme) HK$7,008,344. “Applications of SAS Viya in Big Data Analytics,” funded by the University Grants Committee (UGC) 2019/2020. (PI)
  14. (UGC/FDS14/P02/19) HK$985,144. “Unsupervised Fuzzy Superpixel-based Image Segmentation,” funded by the University Grants Committee (UGC) 2019/2020. (PI)
  15. (UGC/FDS14/P01/17) HK$575,473. “Fuzzy Bit-plane-dependence Multi-domain Region Competition: Mathematical Modelling and Applications,” funded by the University Grants Committee (UGC) 2017/2018. (PI)
  16. (UGC/FDS14/P02/17) HK$611,153. “Interior Subgradient Methods for Large-scale Quasi-convex Optimization and Their Applications,” funded by the University Grants Committee (UGC) 2017/2018. (Co-I)
  17. (UGC/FDS14/P04/15) HK$870,550. “Fuzzy Generalised Gaussian Density Segmentation Model: Mathematical Analysis and Applications,” funded by the University Grants Committee (UGC) 2015/2016. (PI)
  18. (UGC/IIDS14/P01/15) HK$419,175. “Symposia in Data Science,” funded by the University Grants Committee (UGC) 2015/2016. (Co-PI)
  19. (UGC/FDS14/E02/14) HK$573,620. “Model-based Unsupervised Image Segmentation,” funded by the University Grants Committee (UGC) 2014/2015. (PI)
  20. (UGC/FDS14/E03/14) HK$989,897. “Data Functional Modelling with Outliers,” funded by the University Grants Committee (UGC) 2014/2015. (Co-I)
  21. (UGC/GEN/276/95(15)) HK$50,000. “RGC Postgraduate Students Conference Grant,” funded by the University Grants Committee (UGC) 2006/2007. (Co-PI)

Newspaper Columns

  1. Sing Tao Daily (恒管語絲): 標題: 數學在圖像處理之應用, 2012年5月31日
  2. Headline Daily (恒管達人): 標題: 高跟鞋與黃金比例, 2012年7月23日
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