
02 Mar, 2017

Special Guest Lecture ? Census and Statistics Department

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics held the Special Guest Lecture – Census and Statistics Department on 2 March 2017. We were delighted to invite Dr. Albert Tsang, Statistician from General Branch of HKSAR Census and Statistics Department (C&SD), to be the guest speaker of the event. The participants were fascinated to understand more about the organisation, scope of work, and career opportunities in C&SD as well as broaden their knowledge in official statistics.

2017.03.02 - 2

2017.03.02 - 3

The guest speaker delivered the lecture

2017.03.02 - 4

2017.03.02 - 5

The participants actively asked questions

2017.03.02 - 1

A Group photo of the guest speaker and the participants

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