
Aug, 2024
Research Seminar of Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Insurance
The Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Insurance (MSI) held its research seminar on 29 August 2024. We are pleased to invite the academic staff of MSI to give talks on their research areas. The list of speakers and their topics are listed below.
Social Pension Reform and Poverty Among Older People in Hong Kong: Triple Difference Estimations (Prof CHAN Wai Sum) |
A Bayesian Approach to Developing a Stochastic Mortality Model for China (Prof CHAN Wai Sum) |
Principal Contrast Analysis of High-dimensional Time Series (Dr Timothy NG) |
Fuzzy k-means Thresholding Model and its Application in Image Segmentation (Dr Alan CHU) |
Assessing the Impact of Enterprise Risk Management on Insurers’ Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic (Dr Derrick FUNG) |
Risk-Sensitive Control in Portfolio Choice: Incorporating Ambiguity Aversion and Stochastic Factors (Dr Tom NG and Dr SIU Chi Chung) |
Inference for Multiple Change-points in Piecewise Locally Stationary Time Series (Dr Tom NG) |
AI Assistants in Statistics Education: Empowering Students with AI-driven Analysis and Visualization (Dr Jacky LEUNG and Dr Elaine MO) |
The Anxiety in Learning Actuarial Science: Mysterious but Decipherable – a Comparable Case Study between US and Hong Kong (Ms Michelle WU) |
Teaching and Learning Methodologies on Higher Education (Dr TSUI Wing Yan) |
Sparse Optimization Methods for Financial Analysis (Dr Carisa YU) |
Regularization Methods for Sparse Optimization with Applications (Prof CHOY Siu Kai and Dr Carisa YU) |