The Professional Body Briefing Session – Series#1 Society of Actuaries (SOA) was successfully organized by Actuarial Studies and Insurance Programme on 1 March 2018. Representative from SOA, Dr. W.L. YUNG, was invited to deliver information on the background of SOA and its prestigious qualifications, such as Associate of Society of Actuaries (ASA), Fellow of Society of Actuaries (FSA) and Chartered Enterprise Risk Analyst (CERA). The pathway towards these qualifications and the up-to-date examination structure were also introduced to our students. A qualified actuary, Mr. Ken TANG (FSA), Head of With Profit Insurance Products of HSBC Insurance, was also invited to share his own experience in pursing the professional qualifications. He also shared his working experience and explained the importance of actuarial knowledge and qualifications in his career development.
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