
May, 2024
Monthly Research Seminar Series 2024
The Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Insurance launched a series of monthly research seminars from March to May 2024, aimed to provide a valuable platform for our research fellows and research assistants to showcase their research findings and engage in fruitful discussions on papers of interest.
We were delighted to have eight esteemed research fellows and research assistants present their research works, highlighting the diverse and innovative research of the Department. The seminars were a resounding success, with faculty members actively sharing their insights and providing constructive feedback to foster a vibrant research community within the Department.
The list of speakers and topics is as follows:
Fuzzy Superpixel Segmentation with Anisotropic Total Variational Regularization (Ms HUANG Weixi) |
Enterprise Risk Management Enhances Insurers’ Resilience from the COVID-19 Pandemic Period (Mr HUNG Pak Ming, Kurt) |
Joint Structural Break Detection and Parameter Estimation in High-Dimensional Nonstationary VAR Models (Mr IP Man Fai, Manfred) |
Adaptive Firefly Algorithm Based on Reverse Search Strategy (Mr MENG Huipeng) |
Diffeomorphism Optimization via Quasiconformal Mapping (Mr NG Tsz Ching) |
Variational Fuzzy Superpixel Segmentation (Mr NG Tsz Ching) |
Asymptotic and Bootstrap Inference for Change-point in Time Series (Dr TANG Xinyi) |
High-dimensional Change Point Problem (Mr WU Hoi Leong, Thomas) |
A Generalized Integral Equation Formulation for Pricing American Options under Regime-switching Model (Ms Yawen ZHENG) |