畢業生分享 – 黃浩嵐先生

During this internship, my responsibility was to build a dashboard for business usage, assist in data science project, suggest solutions and enhance the development of Big data platform. I worked in various project in the Big Data Team, from dashboard building ,web scrapping, doing data research to select data source for the platform, building recommendation system for customer. During the process, I learnt a lot through cooperation and guidance from my colleagues, such as learning the process of project management and the coding style for effective team cooperation. I also learnt how to deal with a huge volume of data, build up an efficient development platform, version control and how to cope with different programming language. It was a valuable experience to me and I would keep on learning from my colleagues in my extended part-time intern period.

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數據科學家 屈臣氏集圑


BSc-DSBI 課程提供了一個彈性的課程範疇,讓每個學生選擇適合自己的 學術和專業方向。課程不僅教授機器學習、數據挖掘、深度學習等熱門話 題,它還提供廣泛的選修科目,為學生在商業環境中作好準備。最重要的 是,BSc-DSBI課程不斷為學生安排行業資訊講座,並鼓勵學生多做實習 和參與公開比賽,以增廣見聞和提升競爭力。

WONG Ho Laam

SAS Joint Certificate Award 2018

2017.10.24 - 3

第八屆Classified Post Career Forum – 「未來營銷大師」比賽決賽
