Programme information

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Data Science and Business Intelligence (JUPAS Code: JSSH04)
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Data Science and Business Intelligence (JUPAS Code: JSSH04)

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Data Science and Business Intelligence (BSc-DSBI) Programme is the first degree programme in Hong Kong to integrate “Data Science” and “Business Intelligence” with a comprehensive business education to respond to market needs.
Data Science: A collection of analytical skills and techniques derived from mathematics, statistics and computer science for extracting information from data.
Business Intelligence: The analysis, integration and presentation of information for making business decision.
Programme Objectives (POs)
The BSc-DSBI Programme Objectives (POs) are to:
- develop students’ creativity, critical thinking, analytical ability and problem-solving skills;
- cultivate students’ communication, interpersonal, leadership, independent learning and other transferable skills;
- instil in students a strong sense of social responsibility and high commitment to business ethics;
- enhance students’ global awareness and local sensitivity;
- provide students with a solid foundation of the conceptual, theoretical and practical knowledge in the fields of Data Science and Business Intelligence, supplemented with Business Administration, required for various business purposes;
- train students to synthesise, manage and evaluate data together with the use of information technology to convey analytical results from data processing tasks for business decision making; and
- build up students’ ability to understand the importance of the applications of Data Science and Business Intelligence in their daily life, particularly in commercial areas.
Programme Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs)
Upon completion of the programme, students should be able to:
- address professional and personal challenges through the application of inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary knowledge acquired;
- possess effective communication ability in a business environment, work as a team player to integrate effectively the skills and knowledge developed, and be able to manage independent lifelong learning;
- evaluate own contributions and responsibilities in becoming responsible employees, business leaders and business partners;
- possess broad horizons and be inquisitive about various global issues and developments such as politics, cultures, social sciences and technologies;
- possess the conceptual and practical knowledge and skills in Data Science and Business Intelligence as well as the solid foundation in Business Administration, which will enable them to undertake further study in the aforementioned disciplines or to pursue a career with related knowledge requirements;
- synthesise, manage and evaluate data, and apply information technology tools for data analysis to solve business problems; and
- integrate and apply the knowledge appropriately in Data Science and Business Intelligence for solving practical problems in a dynamic business environment.
Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) Qualifications Register
Qualification Framework: Level 5 Registration No.: 18/000850/L5 Registration Validity Period: 08/11/2018 To 31/08/2029
To be a reputable programme, recognized for excellence in nurturing talents in the areas of data science and business intelligence.
To strive for quality education and practical training in the areas of data science and business intelligence. To foster the all-round development of students through our diverse curriculum and various internships.
Please visit the Registry website for more details of Year 1 Entry and Senior Year Entry admission.