Research Seminars and Forums


Research Seminars and Forums

Research Seminars and Forums

Department Research Seminar: Exact Inference of Weibull Distribution and Discuss a New Tail Measurer

The Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Insurance (MSI) was pleased to organise a research seminar titled “Exact Inference of Weibull Distribution and Discuss a New Tail Measurer” on 20 April 2023. We are delighted to have Prof. Keming Yu, a Research Professor of MSI to share his research topic.

Prof Yu started the seminar by introducing an exact inference method for Weibull distribution. He shared two real examples to demonstrate the Weibull analysis in equipment risk management and lifetime data analysis with a small size of data. He then discussed a new risk measurer in insurance and finance.

The seminar concluded with a discussion and Q&A session, where academic staff of MSI actively shared their views on the topic.

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