BSC-AIN and BSC-DSBI Career Workshop (CV Writing and Interview Skills)
Seminar: The Role of the Insurance Authority and Code of Conduct of an Insurer and Intermediaries
BSC-AIN & BSC-DSBI Peer Tutor Programme 2018/19
BSC-DSBI Internship Sharing Session
BSC-DSBI Programme Advisory Committee Meeting 2017/18
BSC-AIN and BSC-DSBI Student Orientation Day 2018
Independent Re-accreditation Panel Meeting for BSC-DSBI Programme
SAS Joint Certificate Award Ceremony 2018
Being a Panelist for Vpon Big Data Seminar 2018
BSC-DSBI Mentorship Programme 2017-18
Big Data Seminar Series: Conning Asia Pacific Limited
SAS Institute Company Visit